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sandpipers Meaning in Tamil ( sandpipers வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



sandpipers தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

2005 ல் இவர் சாண்ட்பைபர் மற்றும் ஜிங்காரோ என்னும் பெயர் கொண்ட இரண்டு முன்னோடி பீர்வகைகளைச் சொந்தமாக கொண்டிருந்த மில்லேனியம் வடிப்பாலைகள் நிறுவனத்தினை (முன்பு இநேர்டியா தொழில் நிறுவனம் என்றழைக்கப்பட்டது) தனதாக்கிக் கொண்டார்.

sandpipers's Usage Examples:

The cock bird, when, to use the fenman's expression, he has not "his show on," and the hen at all seasons, offer no very remarkable deviation from ordinary sandpipers; outwardly there is nothing, except the unequal size of the two sexes, to rouse suspicion of any abnormal peculiarity.

Ducks, divers, geese, gulls, all the Russian species of snipes and sandpipers (Limicolae, Tringae), swarm on the marshes of the tundras and on the crags of the Lapland coast.

This section comprehends three species only, known as Phalaropes or swimming sandpipers, which are distinguished by the membranes that fringe their toes, in two of the species forming marginal lobes,' and by the character of their lower plumage, which is as close as that of a duck.

"His union of the snipes, sandpipers and plovers into one group (No.

From Herriot's Bridge or Heron's Green a patient observer may be rewarded with view of returning common or green sandpipers.

Five common sandpipers and 20+ turnstones were present on the new sea defenses at Glyne Gap.

We did have the benefit of lots of migrating waders, including the white-rumped sandpipers.

migrated have the benefit of lots of migrating waders, including the white-rumped sandpipers.

GREENSHANK, one of the largest of the birds commonly known as sandpipers, the Tetanus glottis of most ornithological writers.


yellowlegs, Tringa totanus, jacksnipe, least sandpiper, pectoral sandpiper, sanderling, dunlin, Calidris melanotos, greyback, Actitis hypoleucos, Tringa nebularia, Crocethia alba, Actitis macularia, family Scolopacidae, European sandpiper, redshank, stint, Calidris canutus, Erolia minutilla, shorebird, upland plover, greenshank, grayback, Erolia alpina, Bartramian sandpiper, curlew sandpiper, upland sandpiper, Philomachus pugnax, Scolopacidae, ruff, shore bird, Calidris Ferruginea, spotted sandpiper, knot, limicoline bird, Bartramia longicauda, tattler, red-backed sandpiper,


untie, smoothness, unravel, untwine, unknot,

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