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salvific Meaning in Tamil ( salvific வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


salvific's Usage Examples:

salvific act?salvific significance, of history is also sacramental.

salvific message?salvific effect of Jesus ' death and his being raised from the dead.

The NT emphasizes, however, a close link between the salvific effect of Jesus ' death and his being raised from the dead.

Pinnock affirms boldly as a truth of revelation " the universal salvific will of God, " i.

Why should an all-powerful god pick such a crude and clumsy way of passing on His salvific message?Pinnock affirms boldly as a truth of revelation " the universal salvific will of God, " i.

salvific work from simply his death to his Passion.

Is it a love that wills to the original full communion with God through Christ 's restoration - a redeeming and a salvific act?It must follow that the objective truth and intelligibility, the intrinsic meaning, the salvific significance, of history is also sacramental.

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