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saltpetre Meaning in Tamil ( saltpetre வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



saltpetre தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

1820 அல்லது 1825 ஆம் ஆண்டில் எசுப்பானியாவிடமிருந்து சுதந்திரம் பெற்ற பிறகு, ஐரோப்பாவிற்கான பெருவின் சால்ட்பிட்டர் உப்பின் முதல் சரக்கு கப்பல் இங்கிலாந்திற்கு வந்தது, ஆனால் அதை வாங்குபவர்கள் எவரும் காணப்படாத காரணத்தால் சுங்க இழப்பைத் தவிர்ப்பதற்காக கடலில் கொட்டப்பட்டது .

அவரது ஆட்சிக் காலத்தில், கார்வாரின் தென்கிழக்கில் 32 கிலோமீட்டர் (20 மைல்) தொலைவில் உள்ள மிர்ஜன் துறைமுகம், சூரத்துக்கு மிளகு, சால்ட்பிட்டர் மற்றும் வெற்றிலை ஆகியவற்றை அனுப்ப பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டது.

saltpetre's Usage Examples:

Chile saltpetre, cubic nitre or sodium nitrate, NaNO,, occurs under the same conditions as ordinary saltpetre in deposits covering immense areas in South America, which are known locally as caliche or terra salitrosa, and abound especially in the provinces of Tarapaca and Antofagasta in Chile.

Glauber showed how to prepare hydrochloric acid, spiritus salis, by heating rock-salt with sulphuric acid, the method in common use to-day; and also nitric acid from saltpetre and arsenic trioxide.

Chemically pure sodium nitrate can be obtained by repeated recrystallization of Chile saltpetre or by synthesis.

As found in nature, saltpetre generally forms aggregates of delicate acicular crystals, and sometimes silky tufts; distinctly developed crystals are not found in nature.

Of these sodium stannate, Na2Sn03, is produced industrially by heating tin with Chile saltpetre and caustic soda, or by fusing very finely powdered tinstone with caustic soda in iron vessels.

The former, "fire-air," or oxygen, he prepared from "acid of nitre," from saltpetre, from black oxide of manganese, from oxide of mercury and other substances, and there is little doubt but that he obtained it independently a considerable time before Priestley.

The minerals chiefly mined besides gold are diamonds and coal, but the country possesses also silver, iron, copper, lead, cobalt, sulphur, saltpetre and many other mineral deposits.

the Rotunda, where are the ruins of the old saltpetre works; the Star Chamber, where the protrusion of white crystals through a coating of the black oxide of manganese creates an optical illusion of great beauty; the Chief City, where an area of 2 acres is covered by a vault 125 ft.

The mineral acids, hydrochloric, nitric and sulphuric acids, and also aqua regia (a mixture of hydrochloric and nitric acids) were discovered, and the vitriols, alum, saltpetre, sal-ammoniac, ammonium carbonate, silver nitrate (lunar caustic) became better known.

The exact date of discovery is not known; but early records show it to have been preempted by a Dr Adams in 1812 for the manufacture of saltpetre, and his vats and hoppers are still to be seen.

Sulphuric acid may be applied as such on the ores placed in lead, brick, or stone chambers; or as a mixture of sulphur dioxide, nitrous fumes (generated from Chile saltpetre and sulphuric acid), and steam, which permeates the ore resting on the false bottom of a brick chamber.

In subsequent receipts saltpetre and turpentine make their appearance, and the modern "carcass composition," containing sulphur, tallow, rosin, turpentine, saltpetre and crude antimony, is a representative of the same class of mixtures, which became known to the Crusaders as Greek fire but were more usually called wildfire.


nitre, saltpeter, fertilizer, potassium nitrate, plant food, nitrate, niter, fertiliser,



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