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salamander Meaning in Tamil ( salamander வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


புராணங்களில் வரும் தீயில் வாழும் பல்லி வகை,

salamander தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


salamander's Usage Examples:

27); (29) the frog (either living on land and killed by rain, or in the water without ever seeing the sun); (30) the stag (destroys its enemy the serpent); (31) the salamander (quenches fire); (32) the diamond (powerful against all danger); (33) the swallow (brings forth but once; misreading of Aristotle, Hist.

Some of the poison-secreting glands attain a greater complication of structure and are remarkable for their large size, such as the so called "parotoid" glands on the back of the head in toads and salamanders.

widescreen switching was not working at the time of capture, so Vanessa Mae looks a bit squashed!Dozens of squashed fire salamanders seen on road here - no live ones !They think their take on squashed together living in what is now technically a desert, is the cats ' whiskers.

The spermatozoa thus reach the eggs in the oviducts, where they may develop entirely, some of the salamanders being viviparous.

The genus is restricted in its habitat to the western parts of the Palaearctic region and represented by four species only: the spotted salamander, S.

The outline of one of these districts, which was thought to resemble a salamander, gave rise in 1812, through a popular application of the governor's name, to the term Gerrymander ".

Although the lungs are present in such forms as preserve the gills throughout life, it is highly remarkable that quite a number of abranchiate salamanders, belonging mostly to the subfamilies Desmognathinae and Plethodontinae, are devoid of lungs and breathe entirely by the skin and by the bucco-pharyngeal mucose membrane (20).

Petroleum (" burning water ") was known in Japan in the 7th century, whilst in Europe the gas springs of the north of Italy led to the adoption in 1226 by the municipality of Salsomaggiore of a salamander surrounded by flames as its emblem.

All the way back in 1902, scientist and embryologist Hans Spemman, meticulously sliced a 2-celled salamander embryo by using a single hair from his infant son's head.

His territory produced the worm called "salamander," which lived in fire, and which wrought itself an incombustible envelope from which were manufactured robes for the presbyter, which were washed in flaming fire.

And yet subsequent discoveries, which followed in rapid succession, have established that Siredon is but the larval form of the salamander Amblystoma, a genus long known from various parts of North America; and Cuvier's conclusions now read much better than they did half a century after they were published.

In fact, among the remaining land vertebrates, only the black salamander (Salamandra atra) is exclusively alpine.


fire salamander, dicamptodon, hellbender, amphibian, mud puppy, lungless salamander, European fire salamander, Dicamptodon ensatus, congo eel, blind eel, amphiuma, Proteus anguinus, alpine salamander, dusky salamander, dicamptodontid, Salamandra maculosa, congo snake, Necturus maculosus, western red-backed salamander, Plethodon vehiculum, Cryptobranchus alleganiensis, web-toed salamander, worm salamander, plethodont, slender salamander, ambystomid, siren, Megalobatrachus maximus, eastern red-backed salamander, olympic salamander, spotted salamander, Salamandra atra, olm, Salamandra salamandra, Pacific giant salamander, Rhyacotriton olympicus, giant salamander, Plethodon cinereus, ambystomid salamander, triton, climbing salamander, newt,



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