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sado Meaning in Tamil ( sado வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



sado's Usage Examples:

He received his education first at La Roche, in the Arve valley, then at the college of Annecy, founded by Eustace Chappius, ambassador in England of Charles V.

After the birth of his first child, Augusta, in 1737, Frederick was ordered by the king to quit St James' Palace, and the foreign ambassadors were requested to refrain from visiting him.

Palmerston, supported by Russell and well served by Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, British ambassador at Constantinople, favoured a more aggressive policy, and Aberdeen, unable to control Palmerston, and unwilling to let Russell go, cannot be exonerated from blame.

Visitors to the MirandaNet website will be able to follow the progress of this ACTIVboard project by following the link to Promethean ambassadors.

He was in the service of Muhammad Tughluk, ruler of Delhi, about eight years, and was sent on an embassy to China, in the course of which the ambassadors sailed down the west coast of India to Calicut, and then visited the Maldive Islands and Ceylon.

He was afterwards ambassador at Berlin and St Petersburg.

He was high in favour with Sultan Abd-ul-Aziz and fell much under the influence of General Ignatiev, the forceful Russian ambassador before the war of 1877-78, his subserviency to Russia earning for him the nickname of "Mahmudoff.

Her commitment to the needs of children everywhere has led her to become a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF.

On the following day the Austrian ambassador, Esterhazy, presented a despatch of a similar tenor from his court.

The revolt of Arabi Pasha (September 1881) ~~ptIan had led to the meeting of an ambassadorial conference Quesnon.

"His Majesty drew attention to the Grenadier division and to the march past," continued the general, "and it seems the ambassador took no notice and allowed himself to reply that: 'We in France pay no attention to such trifles!'grenadier guards faced a large mob of protestors in Downing Street.

Yet when there appeared a prospect that the king would show her favour, the intrigue was vigorously pushed by the French ambassador, Colbert de Croissy, aided by the secretary of state, Lord Arlington, and his wife.

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