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saddled Meaning in Tamil ( saddled வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சேணம் வைத்து,

saddled's Usage Examples:

Breakfast over, Bordeaux saddled his horse and pulled the field glasses from his saddlebag.

The path of duty for a general saddled with a plan which he disapproves is not easily discoverable.

Back at the barn, they unsaddled and rubbed the horses down.

On Wolseys back also was saddled the most iniquitous of Henrys acts of tyranny against individualsthe judicial murder of the duke of Buckingham, the highest head among the English nobility.

Having finished his inquiries and extorted from Daniel an opinion that the hounds were fit (Daniel himself wished to go hunting), Nicholas ordered the horses to be saddled.

The horse is hardly known, and his place is taken by the ox, which is regularly bridled and saddled and ridden with all dignity.

No doubt they had saddled their own as well.

Sure, if he isn't saddled with a wife and a couple of kids.

Alex did the same with Ed and they saddled the horses in silence.

She watched as he meticulously saddled Ed and tightened the cinch.

He beat the dirt off his clothes with his hat and then unsaddled the horse.

Finally, the game is saddled with painfully long load times -- unforgivable at this point in the PS2's life cycle.

She watched as he saddled Ed again and shoved the rifle down into the boot.




unencumbered, unburdened,

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