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rumble Meaning in Tamil ( rumble வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


rumble's Usage Examples:

The Empire crumbled away by degrees.

"Byrne could have a pocket full of aliases for all we know," Dean grumbled.

Who is going to be the ultimate champion ready to take on the challengers at the royal rumble.

The ceiling began to crumble.

The rain was still coming down hard and there were occasional rumbles of thunder.

grumble when told we had to wash up.

My only grumbles are him sticking to Tory spending rules for the first 2 years.

He grumbled something unintelligible and hung up.

The ground rumbled more violently as the sun rose, until it began to split open.

"I'm coming," she grumbled as she pulled on her robe and walked down the hall.

Recipes Nigel Slater autumn special Exclusive to OFM, delicious spicy ribs, baked mushrooms, juicy plum crumble.

The little princess grumbled to her maid that her bed was badly made.

"It is not becoming for a demon," he grumbled.


grumble, noise, grumbling, rumbling,


surrender, defend, make peace, nonoperational, cheer,

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