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ruling Meaning in Tamil ( ruling வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

நடுவரின் தீர்வுமுடிவு

ruling's Usage Examples:

Either way, the jury is out in the US awaiting antitrust rulings next month, and until then the offer still stands.

He blames former ministers and groups within his own ruling party, alleging corruption and criminality.

The latter were indubitably the Ugrian nomads of the steppe, akin to the Tatar invaders of Europe, who filled the armies and convoyed the caravans of the ruling caste.

At the time of writing, appeals were still pending, but the industry and file sharers alike recognized the ruling as precedent setting.

But to the last they had the unpardonable crime of being a ruling barbarian race or caste in Italy.

gauge, with a ruling gradient of I in 40, a maximum speed of 15 m.

Since the early years it has been a sort of state tribalism, limited to the ruling elite 's tribe, the Albu Nasir.

The three chief syndicates, one each in Italy, France and Switzerland, work very much together, practically ruling the prices for yarns and raw materials.

In one place the Christians were in utter bondage, in another they were simply tributary; still, everywhere the Mussulman Saracen formed the ruling class, the Christian Greek formed the subject class.

; that is, they cover the period of the Scythic domination according to the account accepted above, and that of the Sarmatian, and so suggest that, as far as the archaeological evidence goes, there was little more than a change of name and perhaps the substitution of one ruling clan for another - not a real change of population.

Among them the later Buddhists seem to have placed their numerous Bodhisats; and to have paid especial reverence to Manju-sri as the personification of wisdom, and to Avalokiteswara as the personification of overruling love.

In the state the Tory inherited the ideas of Clarendon, and, without being at all ready to abandon the claims of parliaments, nevertheless somewhat inconsistently spoke of the king as ruling by a divine and indefeasible title, and wielding a power which it was both impious and unconstitutional to resist by force.


fatwa, judgment, judicial decision, opinion, judgement,


unbelief, approval, injudiciousness, judiciousness, affirmation,

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