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ruble Meaning in Tamil ( ruble வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ருஷ்ய நாணயம், ரஷ்ய நாட்டு நாணயம்,

ruble's Usage Examples:

Prince Vasili had come to the conclusion that it was necessary to throw this bone--a bill for thirty thousand rubles--to the poor princess that it might not occur to her to speak of his share in the affair of the inlaid portfolio.

"Yes, she's fast enough," replied Nicholas, and thought: "If only a full-grown hare would cross the field now I'd show you what sort of borzoi she is," and turning to his groom, he said he would give a ruble to anyone who found a hare.

Selivanov, now, did a good stroke last Thursday-- sold flour to the army at nine rubles a sack.

But once the countess called her son and informed him that she had a promissory note from Anna Mikhaylovna for two thousand rubles, and asked him what he thought of doing with it.

the horse worth a thousand rubles and the rider beyond all price!Acting as American naval agent for the many successful privateers who harried the English Channel, and for whom he skilfully got every bit of assistance possible, open and covert, from the French government, he was continually called upon for funds in these ventures.

" he reflected a moment, "yes, bring me seven hundred rubles, yes!In addition to the five we bought, there were five or six—maybe seven more.

"I have hundreds of rubles I don't know what to do with, and she stands in her tattered cloak looking timidly at me," he thought.

The total losses suffered by private citizens and corporate societies until the advent of Bolshevism is valued at 1,930,000,000 gold rubles; Soviet Russia inflicted losses to the amount of 953,000,000 gold rubles; German occupation and warfare to that of 481,000,000 marks.

Last year I had to pay 2,000 rubles in taxes for keeping my church open.

Nicholas accepted thirty thousand rubles offered him by his brother-in- law Bezukhov to pay off debts he regarded as genuinely due for value received.

If he earns 150 rubles there, he must give from three to ten per cent to the Kolhoz.

By "what was due from the Ryazan estate" Prince Vasili meant several thousand rubles quitrent received from Pierre's peasants, which the prince had retained for himself.

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