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rubbish Meaning in Tamil ( rubbish வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



rubbish's Usage Examples:

One religious entity espoused the idea that God had sent the tsunami to punish the unrighteous - absolute rubbish !For Christ died for sins, once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.

In common with most of what Mr Blair says this is just vacuous rubbish.

Small items of rubbish on the banks and edges should be removable by hand, but larger items will need ropes or winches.

On another part of the site we found a 16th century corn drying kiln, and 17th Century midden (rubbish dumps ).

Its stones were carted away, and the churchyard, overgrown with weeds, became the dumpingground for rubbish.

outselllso: the Pussycat Dolls, whose exceedingly rubbish Don't you has outsold everything.

, should consist of five parts rich turfy loam, one part old lime rubbish or broken bricks, including a little wood ashes or burnt earth (ballast), one part broken charcoal, and about one part of half-inch bones, the whole being thoroughly mixed, and kept dryish till used.

This cavity was filled with rubbish, sherds, 'c.

Should Leeds build an incinerator to burn its rubbish?Full Story Could waste be imported to feed the incinerator?The group were also informed that the proposed incinerator at Newhaven should serve the whole county.

Nearly in the centre of the town is the Ptolemaic and Roman temple of the ram-headed Khnum, almost buried in rubbish and houses.

A dog lover, Liza has owned two lurchers â one from Battersea Dogs Home and one rescued from a rubbish dump.

The only known spring existing at present within the limits of the city is the "fountain of the Virgin," on the western side of the Kidron valley, but there may have been others which are now concealed by the accumulations of rubbish.

"What rubbish you're talking!" said the countess.


waste material, litter, rubble, waste, debris, detritus, scrap metal, waste matter, junk, scrap, dust, trash, waste product,


strengthen, hospitable, providence, conserve, recuperate,

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