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royal Meaning in Tamil ( royal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அரசுரிமை வாய்ந்த,

royal's Usage Examples:

STRANRAER, a royal and police burgh and seaport of Wigtownshire, Scotland.

Farther into the wood are some pretty little lakes, and the famous royal villa called the Huis ten Bosch, or "house in the wood.

He was there the royalist leader, and planned a coup d'etat, but on the 18th Fructidor he was arrested, and with fourteen others deported to Cayenne in 1797.

This "Palace language" appears to have come into existence from a desire to avoid the employment in the presence of royalty of downright expressions of vulgarity or of words which might be capable of conveying an unpleasant or indelicate idea other than the meaning intended.

The breach with Rome and the subjection of the church in England to the royal supremacy had been practically achieved before Cranmer's appointment as archbishop: and he had little to do with the other constitutional changes of Henry's reign.

On the 26th of December 1076 Boleslaus encircled his own brows with the royal diadem, a striking proof that the Polish kings did not even yet consider their title quite secure.

He got, however, upon more dangerous ground when, passing wholly by the political insinuation against himself, he roundly charged Hobbes with having written Leviathan in support of Oliver's title, and deserted his royal master in distress.

, B uryKngs brld / (Sou oarl?Soubise had begun the revolt (January 1625) by seizing Port Blavet in Brittany, with the royal squadron that lay there, and in command of the ships thus acquired, combined with those of La Rochelle, he ranged the western coast, intercepting commerce.

The king had in his favor the prestige of the royal name, and a popularity won by his easy-going affability and his liberal gifts.

When the fashion of personal nicknames passed away, the members of the royal house were usually named from their birthplace, as Thomas " of Brotherton," Thomas "of Woodstock," Edmund of Woodstock," Edmund " of Langley," Lionel " of Antwerp," and so forth.

Hai], a small royal city of the Canaanites, E.

, of the emancipation of French communes and cities and the independence of those of Lombardy, of the growth of gilds and the extension of commerce, of trouvere and troubadour and the beginnings of vernacular literature, of the creation of Gothic art, of trial by jury and the supremacy of royal justice.

It henceforth shared the fortunes of this country, and was usually assigned as an apanage to younger members of the Bohemian royal house.


canvas, sheet, canvass, sail,


natural object, stand still, unrhetorical, achromatic, discolor,

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