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rostrate Meaning in Tamil ( rostrate வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)

முகப்பு அலகினையுடைய

rostrate's Usage Examples:

For a time Miss Nightingale was herself prostrated with fever, but she refused to leave her post, and remained at Scutari till Turkey was evacuated by the British in July 1856.

An unclean person is universally a slothful one, one who sits by a stove, whom the sun shines on prostrate, who reposes without being fatigued.

I am stripped of all my honours; I am torn up by the roots and lie prostrate on the earth.

Only when the victim ceased to struggle and his cries changed to a long- drawn, measured death rattle did the crowd around his prostrate, bleeding corpse begin rapidly to change places.

nodiflora is a pretty, spreading trailer, with prostrate stems 2 or 3 feet in length, which late in summer bear small round heads of little purplish flowers.

Gargano Hairbell (Campanula Garganica) - A compact plant of prostrate habit, the starry erect flowers in branching racemes, pale blue, shading off to white towards the centre in summer, thriving in a rock garden or a border.

out the libation amidst the blare of trumpets, and the singers lifted up their voice and all the people fell prostrate in prayer till he descended and raised his hands in blessing, the slaves of the Greek or the Persian forgot for a moment their bondage and knew that the day of their redemption was near (Ecclus.

coast were ruined and the banana industry prostrated; and in 1906 Havana suffered damage.

internalized the false values that Washington strove mightily to inculcate worldwide?We went out to see the hero that had withstood so many tempests, and it wrung my heart to see him prostrate who had mightily striven and was now mightily fallen.

Brittle Hairbell (Campanula Fragilis) - The young branches are coated with soft down; the flowering branches prostrate, 12 or 15 inches long; the flowers 1 inch or more in diameter, delicate blue.

Watts, who was almost prostrated with grief, while her son rushed for assistance.

Leo feigned for a while to be on their side, but on the 2nd of February 815, in the sanctuary of St Sophia, publicly refused to prostrate himself before the images, with the approbation of the army and of many bishops who were iconoclasts at heart.

chevrefeuille), botanical name Lonicera, a genus of climbing, erect or prostrate shrubs, of the natural order Caprifoliaceee, so named after the 16th-century German botanist Adam Lonic2r.





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