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rollick Meaning in Tamil ( rollick வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆரவாரத்துடன் கூத்தடி, ஆரவாரத்துடன் கூடிய களியாட்டம்,

rollick's Usage Examples:

rollicking good time in the garden with these child-friendly ideas.

rollicking story, and one that is fully realistic.

rollicking tale of the much-married Wife of Bath.

rollicking read for anyone interested in web services.

rollicking at half-time which seemed to do the trick.

rollicking good fun!The shops were all shut, and some rollicking boon companions came shouting along from the public-house.

Members of the royal family who once cocked a snoop at Fergie are now copping it in the rollicking rhymes.

rollicking adventure is underway.

Quite a rollicking read for anyone interested in web services.

A rollicking tap dance, this song starts out slow and sweet, and builds up to be an unforgettable dance number.


sport, disport, skylark, frisk, frolic, lark, cavort, run around, gambol, romp, play, lark about,


lack, defeat, lose, inactivity, overact,

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