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robust Meaning in Tamil ( robust வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ஆரோக்கியமுள்ள, பலமான,

robust தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஒவ்வொரு வயதுவந்த, உடல் ஆரோக்கியமுள்ள, உடல்ரீதியாகவும், பணரீதியாகவும் வசதியுள்ள ஆணும், பெண்ணும் அவரது வாழ்வில் ஒரு தடவை ஹஜ் யாத்திரை செய்வது கட்டாயமாகும்.

robust's Usage Examples:

antibiotic rationale The relative infrequency of the condition means that robust clinical data are not available to guide treatment choices.

Marmalade and mincemeat mix with a jammy richness to make this a robust effort.

He was not handsome, but of a robust and well-proportioned frame.

With a fine face, of which the most remarkable features were a high nose and a keen and piercing eye,f he is said to have been below the middle height, robust, active, a sportsman, and capable of much endurance.

The most important timber trees are the tu'n (Cedrela Toona), sdl (Shorea robusta), the present area of which forms two belts separated by the Gangetic plain; satin wood (Chloroxylon Swietenia), common in the drier parts of the peninsula; sandalwood, especially characteristic of Mysore; iron-wood (Mesua ferrea), and teak (Tectona grandis).

Some of them are as light-skinned as Europeans, tall, robust, thin-lipped, straight-nosed, with straight black hair; others are shorter and darker in complexion, with round heads, long noses, thick lips, and scraggy limbs, indicating perhaps the commingling of more than one Semitic people.

New Zealand was poorly stocked with a weak flora; the more robust and aggressive one of the north temperate region was ready at any moment to invade it-, but was held back by physical barriers which human aid has alone enabled it to surpass.

The main objective of this research is to produce a robust phylogeny of the genus Pinus based on plastid DNA sequence data.

But its scales are keeled and its form is more robust.

Scions from a tree which is weakly, or liable to injury by frosts, are strengthened by engrafting on robust stocks.

Model-based linkage disequilibrium unit (LDU) maps appear robust to marker density and consistently influenced by marker allele frequency.

She was probably the only thoroughly sound-conditioned, healthy, and robust young lady that ever walked the globe, and wherever she came it was spring.


buirdly, cast-iron, stout, sturdy, chesty, big-shouldered, half-hardy, square-built, big-boned, broad-shouldered, big-chested, heavy-armed, iron, vigorous, strapping, stalwart, beefy, hardy, strong, husky, rugged, burly, healthy, square-shouldered,


illness, delicate, frail, unhealthy, weak,

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