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rival Meaning in Tamil ( rival வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


rival தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

முரட்டுத்தனமாக விதியை மீறுபவர் களத்திலிருந்து வெளியேற்றபட்டு எதிராள் வென்றதாக அறிவிக்கப்படுவார்.

rival's Usage Examples:

Under his weak successor (Rolt, 1677-1682), the English waters, the value of which had now been proved, became the battle-ground between the rival navies, and for some years Bombay lay at the mercy of both.

The ancient rival of Venice, Genoa, was likewise far gone in decline.

He or she may experience feelings of jealousy, insecurity, and even anger at the arrival of a new baby.

In the prehistoric " kitchenmiddens " (kj okkenmodding) and elsewhere, however, vestiges are found which prove that the urochs, the wild boar, the beaver, the bear and the wolf all existed subsequently to the arrival of man.

155) says that it was the Libyan word for "king," that Battus was not called by the name until after his arrival at Libya, and that the oracle addressed him as "Battus" by anticipation.

At larger distances also arrivals caused by multiple P-wave reverberations inside the whole crust with a group velocity around 5.

There were several violent contests between rivals anxious to secure so splendid a position as the electorate, and the pretensions of the archbishops occasionally moved the citizens of Mainz to revolt.

When she heard of his arrival she almost ran into the drawing room, flushed and beaming with a more than cordial smile.

The ambassadors of the rival states in Rome are said to have quarrelled about a lapdog.

In this industry, as in the manufacture of cotton goods, Massachusetts has long been without serious rivalry; Brockton, Lynn, The Green Schists and Associated Granites and Porphyries of Rhode Island, Bulletin, U.

The Carmathians drove the Fatimites out of Syria, and threatened Egypt, but, notwithstanding their intrepidity, they were not able to cope with their powerful rival, who, however, in his turn could not bring them to submission.

The scientific importance of this step is to be measured by the degree of insight which it affords or promises into the molecular constitution of real bodies by the suggestion of experiments by which we may discriminate between rival molecular theories.

"His hasidas are almost equal to his ghazels; for, while they rival those of Nef `i in brilliancy, they surpass them in beauty of diction, and are not so artificial and dependent on fantastic and farfetched conceits.


compete, equate, match, vie, touch, contend, equal, equalize, equalise,


king, soothe, worst, cooperation, unpopular,

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