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ritualism Meaning in Tamil ( ritualism வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமயச் சடங்குகளை விடாது பற்றி இருத்தல்,

ritualism's Usage Examples:

In order to justify superstition and the ancient forms of worship, philosophy becomes in his hands a theurgy, a knowledge of mysteries, a sort of spiritualism.

It is characteristic of Fichte's almost excessive receptiveness that in his latest published work, Der neuere Spiritualismus (1878), he supports his position by arguments of a somewhat occult or theosophical cast, not unlike those adopted by F.

In the present article it is impossible to give an exhaustive catalogue of the phenomena and modes of communication of modern spiritualism.

for "breath" or "breeze"), a term used in old days to denote a supposed ethereal emanation from a volatile substance; applied later to the "electrical aura," or air-current caused by electrical discharge; in epilepsy to one of its premonitory symptoms; and in spiritualism to a mysterious light associated with the presence of spirit-forms.

Spiritualism has been accused of a tendency to produce insanity, but spiritualistic sittings carried on by private persons do not appear to he harmful provided those who find in themselves "mediumistic" powers do not lose their self-control and exercise these powers when they do not desire to do so, or against their better judgment.

The Sassanid Empire, indeed, is completely dominated by this formalism and ritualism; but the earlier testimony of Darius in his inscriptions and the statements in Herodotus enable us still to recognize the original healthy life of a religion capable of awakening the enthusiastic devotion of the inner man.

It was, however, at Rochester, where Kate and her sister Margaret (1836-1893)(1836-1893) went to live with a married sister (Mrs Fish) that modern spiritualism assumed its present form, and that communication was, as it was believed, established with lost relatives and deceased eminent men.

The Kabirpanthis, tho still maintaining monotheism and being opposed to image-worship, have reverted to some practice of ritualism.

Dexter, Spiritualism (New York, 1853-1855); R.

A succinct account of typical frauds of spiritualism is contained in D.

He at once began to take an independent part in the movements then agitating NewEngland, which between 1830 and 1850 was stirred by discussions pertaining to Unitarianism, transcendentalism, spiritualism, abolitionism and various schemes for communistic living.


pattern, practice,


inactivity, disagree,

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