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rink Meaning in Tamil ( rink வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


செயற்கைப் பனிச்சருக்காட்டக் களம்,

rink's Usage Examples:

hypotonic sports water drink.

To get drunk for the sake of the drink was the mark of a beast; but wine was a powerful stimulant to the brain, and to fuddle oneself in order to think great thoughts was worthy of a sage.

In order the better to qualify himself for this appointment, he went to Europe (May 15th, 1826) and spent three years and a half travelling in France, Italy, Spain, Germany, Holland and England, learning languages, for which he had unusual talent, and drinking in the spirit of the history and life of these countries.

Try Futurist Age-Resisting Makeup foundation or the Resilience Lift Extreme Radiant Lifting Makeup for help with fine lines, wrinkles, and skin firmness.

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teaspoons cinnamon Sprinkle over batter.

Take a Saturday night's drinking: At midnight you may have 200 milligrams per 100 milliliters of blood in your system.

Instead of a third drink, a flash of cold fire was forced through the fangs into her body.

We were drinking coffee sweetened with sugar we had brought.

What had the vote announcer in The Netherlands been drinking?announcer's desk.

It involves details of "wrinkling" and "razing," if done by hand-work in copper.

The Jacobites surrounding James in Rome never ceased to weave at the endless tissue of their plot, but in Scotland nothing more substantial than the drinking of loyal healths was done, between the flight of Lockhart of Carnwath, the manager of the party, and the years of 1737-1744.


ice-skating rink, edifice, ice, building, ice rink, skating rink,


uncover, heat, disassembly,

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