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ringleader Meaning in Tamil ( ringleader வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கலகத் தலைவன்,

ringleader's Usage Examples:

a mainly Yugoslav revolutionary committee had almost gained control of the Cattaro naval base, which would have fallen into Entente hands if the ringleaders, who crossed the Adriatic for help, had not been detained by subordinate Italian subordinates until the Pola squadron had time to crush the mutiny.

); and soon afterwards was arrested by the Jews on the charge of being a ringleader in the disorders caused by the healing of the lame man at the "Beautiful" gate of the temple, but was released.

As constable of Dundee he secured the commutation of the death penalty on minor offenders under his jurisdiction, and his expressed maxim was " in the greatest crimes it is thought wisest to pardon the multitude and punish the ringleaders.

Some think this may be the ringleader of the group of ' idlers ' that is in mind.

ringleader of the group of ' idlers ' that is in mind.

In 1853 Raja Tiang Alam, ringleader of the revolt in Palembang, surrendered.

ringleader of the tormentors will be getting heavy rotation from tonight.

Elizabeth herself patronized Giacomo Acontio, who thought dogma a "stratagema Satanae," and her last favourite, Essex was accused of being the ringleader of "a damnable crew of atheists.

A pen-drawing representing a ringleader of the Pazzi conspiracy, Bernardo Baroncelli, hung out of a window of the Bargello after his surrender by the sultan at Constantinople to the emissaries of Florence, can be dated from its subject as done in December 1 479.

Chaumette was one of the ringleaders in the attacks of the 31st of May and of the 2nd of June 1793 on the Girondists, toward ' whom he showed himself relentless.

He disgraced or imprisoned the ringleaders, ordered Bernadotte (perhaps the fountain head of the whole affair) to take the waters at Plombieres and drove from office Fouche, who had sought to screen the real offenders by impugning the royalists.

On arriving in Moscow he found that the mutiny had been suppressed and the ringleaders punished, but he considered it necessary to reopen the investigation and act with exemplary severity.


instigator, firebrand, instigant, provoker, inciter,



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