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rickle Meaning in Tamil ( rickle வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அரிவாள் (நீண்டு வளைந்தது), ஓரளவு சுகவீனமாய் இருக்கிற,

rickle's Usage Examples:

Surprise trickled through him.

Letters trickled in over the years, but Edith's early assessment of Josh Mulligan as a miscreant proved to be correct.

With Xander incensed, he wasn't aware of the trickle of power she pushed into the red gem in her hand.

, with a broad spreading head; the leaves are rather long and of a light green tint, the cones generally in pairs, the scales terminating in a sharp incurved prickle.

A tear trickled down her cheek.

The fruit consists of a three-celled capsule, covered externally with soft yielding prickles, and each cell develops a single seed.

More blood trickled onto her tile.

The water which trickles over the rims of the pools and basins on the upper terraces is a transparent blue, while the formation itself contains a network of fibrous algae which gives it a wonderful variety of colours.

Bursaria spinosa Australian boxthorn A man developed squamous carcinoma of the skin of the forehead at the site of a boxthorn prickle puncture injury.

trickle ventilator may be incorporated within the window frame.

trickle of visible migrants included 3 White Wagtails passing overhead at the Bill.

Tears trickled down her face, tickling her ears.

Meconopsis Horridula - A little plant found at a great height in the Himalayas, growing as almost stemless tufts of lanceolate leaves, covered densely with prickles; the short stems bear bluish-purple flowers about an inch and a half wide.

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