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resolutely Meaning in Tamil ( resolutely வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



resolutely தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

கங்கையும் சிவபெருமானைப் பாதாள லோகத்திற்கு அடித்துச் சென்று அங்கு வாழ்வதென்ற தீர்மானத்துடன் மிகவேகமாக பூலோகத்திற்கு வந்தாள்.

இந்நூலகம் சிரோன்மணி குருத்வாரா பிரபந்தக் செயற்குழுவால் அக்டோபர் 27, 1946 அன்று நிறைவேற்றப்பட்ட தீர்மானத்துடன் நிறுவப்பட்டது.

அவர் ஒரு புதிய தீர்மானத்துடன் திரும்பி வந்தார்.

resolutely's Usage Examples:

Hence they were resolutely opposed to any idea of reform; for to begin making changes in the Church's system would be a tacit admission that Luther had some show of reason on his side.

Natasha began resolutely and suddenly stopped.

I wrote timidly, fearfully, but resolutely, urged on by my teacher, who knew that if I persevered, I should find my mental foothold again and get a grip on my faculties.

He halted irresolutely, not knowing whether to return or go on.

Marya Dmitrievna, who knew how the prince had received the Rostovs, pretended not to notice how upset Natasha was and jested resolutely and loudly at table with the count and the other guests.

"The one in pink is mine, so keep off!" said Ilyin on seeing Dunyasha running resolutely toward him.

As he approached the Kremlin he even began to avoid being crushed and resolutely stuck out his elbows in a menacing way.

But in battle the "thinking bayonets" resolutely obeyed orders, even though it were to attack a Marye's Hill, or a "Bloody Angle," for they had undertaken their task and would carry it through unflinchingly.

Bela resolutely put down all disorder.

This retreat he carried out resolutely, skilfully and rapidly, slipping past Blucher and finally bringing his force to Paris.

At Salem he was a member of the congregation of Roger Williams, whom he resolutely defended in his trouble with the New England clerical hierarchy, and excited by Williams's teachings, cut the cross of St George from the English flag in token of his hatred of all symbols of Romanism.





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