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reproaches Meaning in Tamil ( reproaches வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


reproaches's Usage Examples:

Surrey's reproaches for the alleged breach of faith, and a second challenge to fight on Millfield Plain were this time disregarded.

"Finally, he reproaches Chretien with having told the story amiss, whereas Kiot, the Provençal, whose version Wolfram was following, had told it aright from beginning to end.

All blasphemies against God, as denying His being, or providence, all contumelious reproaches of Jesus Christ, all profane scoffing at the Holy Scriptures, or exposing any part thereof to contempt or ridicule, are punishable by the temporal courts with fine, imprisonment and also infamous corporal punishment.

He subjected Talleyrand to violent reproaches, which the ex-minister bore with his usual ironical calm.

The reproaches of party assailed him in his lifetime, and have continued to be heaped upon his memory.

He appears to have done his utmost to protect his Christian subjects, incurring thereby the reproaches of the more fanatical Moslems, especially in the year 1320 when owing to incendiarism in Cairo there was danger of a general massacre of the Christian population.

Here are no reproaches, no base and sly insinuations, none of those invidious reflections with which controversies are usually managed.

38, in which the reproaches for the profanation or neglect of the Sabbath in no way sustain Meinhold's view).

Cromwell hastened to the House, and at the last moment, on the bill being put to the vote, whispering to Harrison, "This is the time; Y must do it," he rose, and after alluding to the former good services of the parliament, proceeded to overwhelm the members with reproaches.

He won his cause; but in the eyes of all posterity he justified the reproaches of his contemporaries, who describe him as a cruel, venal, grasping seeker after power, eager to support a despotism for the sake of honours, offices and emoluments secured for himself by a bargain with the oppressors of his country.

wolfish grin " I want to be a model lover!Finally, he reproaches Chretien with having told the story amiss, whereas Kiot, the Provençal, whose version Wolfram was following, had told it aright from beginning to end.

Meeting Manteuffel near the Brasserie of Noisseville, he overwhelmed him with reproaches, and at the crisis of this scene the bands struck up "Heil dir im Siegeskranz"!Bracing fresh air and breathtaking views, combine with a traditional village atmosphere and a range of ritzy shops and brasseries.


self-reproach, reproval, rap, blame, rebuke, reprehension, self-reproof, reprimand, reproof,


humanize, honor, absolve, blessed, praise,

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