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reprisal Meaning in Tamil ( reprisal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பழிவாங்கு நடவடிக்கை,

reprisal தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


reprisal's Usage Examples:

The severity with which the land was treated may pass for a gentle reprisal if the Moabites of that day were not more humane than their descendants in the days of King Mesha.

The story of the next few years is but a dismal record of aggression and of reprisals leading to fresh aggression.

reprisal attacks against innocent Irish people in Britain.

In fear of reprisals Antipas (or Antipater), the Idumaean, his counsellor, played on the fears of Hyrcanus and persuaded him to buy the aid of the Nabataean Arabs with promises.

When then on July 21 Draskovic was murdered by a young Bosnian Communist, Parliament resolved on reprisals, and io days later passed by 190 to 54 laws of extraordinary severity for "the Defence of the State," terrorist agitation being made punishable by death, prolonged penal servitude or heavy fines.

That it has won the Palme d'Or at Cannes only quickens their desire for reprisals.

Surely the time has come for both sides to act with restraint, and in the name of humanity stop the constant reprisal killings.

applyoughout the evidence in the present case we find the term ' hostages ' applied where a ' reprisal ' only was involved.

Charlemagne, Pippin's son, descended upon Italy, broke up the Lombard kingdom (774), confirmed his father's donation to the pope, and in reprisals for Venetian assistance to the exarch, ordered the pope to expel the Venetians from the Pentapolis.

David, however, after his accession made an expedition against Damascus as a reprisal for the assistance the city had given his enemy Hadadezer, king of Zobah.

The Athenians were preparing to make reprisals, in spite of the advice of the Delphic oracle that they should desist from attacking Aegina for thirty years, and content themselves meanwhile with dedicating a precinct to Aeacus, when their projects were interrupted by the Spartan intrigues for the restoration of Hippias.


revenge, retaliation,



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