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reoccupy Meaning in Tamil ( reoccupy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


முன்பே (இடம் பெறு) குடியேறு, வேறு எண்ணங்களில் ஈடுபட்டிரு,

reoccupy's Usage Examples:

In the following year the Congo expedition established further posts, and in consequence the khalifa sent 3000 men, under the amir Khatem Musa, from Shakka to reoccupy the Bahr-el-Ghazal.

on the 13th of April, he ordered Davout and Oudinot to remain at Regensburg, whilst Lefebvre and Wrede (Bavarians) who had fallen back before the Austrians were directed to reoccupy Landshut.

Cattaneo was an uncompromising republican and a federalist; so violent was his dislike of the Piedmontese monarchy that when he heard that King Charles Albert had been defeated by the Austrians, and that Radetzky was marching back to reoccupy Milan, he exclaimed: "Good news, the Piedmontese have been beaten.

The Jews had their quarter near the commercial centre, their presence being indicated by the street named Old Jewry, though it is probable that they did not reoccupy this locality after their expulsion in 1290.

Sayce travels farther back, it is true, but on critical lines: he abandons the Pentateuchal criticism of the 10th century, to reoccupy the critical position of Hobbes, Spinoza and Simon in the 17th century - whether reasonably or not must here be left an open question.

army in 1892, received orders to reoccupy Akasha, 50 m.

steps to reoccupy the Columbia Valley.

preoccupy, he was increasingly preoccupied with more immediate problems which demanded logical skills.

preoccupy There's no reason to be overly preoccupied about your health when visiting China.

He realized that in Napoleon sentiment never got the better of reason, that as a matter of fact he had never intended his proposed " grand enterprise " seriously, and had only used it to preoccupy the mind of the tsar while he consolidated his own power in central Europe.

preoccupy were the media so preoccupied with him?preoccupy James seemed without ambition in any direction at that time being somewhat preoccupied with family matters.

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