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relished Meaning in Tamil ( relished வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


relished தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் (2000),.

2000 பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் - பார்த்தேன் பார்த்தேன், கிடைக்கல கிடைக்கல.

பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன்.

பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன்.

பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன்.

2000 பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன்.

பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் (2000).

|பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் || பன்னீர் || தமிழ் ||.

பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் (2000).

நீங்கள் வெளியிட்டிருந்த நகைச்சுவைத் துணுக்குகளைப் படித்தேன், இரசித்தேன், சிரித்தேன்.

எனக்கென ஏற்கனவே - பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன்.

ரம்யா கிருஷ்ணன் நடித்த திரைப்படங்கள் பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் 2000 இல் வெளிவந்த தமிழ்த் திரைப்படமாகும்.

| 2000 || பார்த்தேன் ரசித்தேன் || ||.

relished's Usage Examples:

There were a half dozen messages from both Julie and Howie from California but in view of our frenzied day, decided to let them simmer until after a much relished glass or two of wine and Molly's carefully grilled hot dogs and cheese bread.

Authors were the big draw, and fans relished an opportunity to bandy words with the authors whose books meant so much to them.

The newly-released prisoner relished the freedom.

He relished the sensations of her hot mouth and soft skin, the scent of her arousal and the way her body molded against his.

John Jones, for example, positively relished the thought of the impeachment.

As someone who enjoys amateur dramatics in her spare time, she has relished taking center stage in the row over fat-cat pay.

adjudicateEldon relished the task of adjudicating on a more arcane matter.

The fallen leaves are relished by sheep and deer, and afford a good litter for flocks and herds.

The striker relished the thought of bringing New York to a halt.

The native manienie (Stenotaphrum americanum) and kukai (Panicum pruriens), however, are relished by stock and are found on all the inhabited islands; the Bermuda grass (Cynodon dactylon), a June grass (Poa annua), and Guinea grass (Panicum jumentorum) have also been successfully introduced.

The flesh of Burchell's zebra (or quagga, as it is often called) is relished by the natives as food, and its hide is very valuable for leather.

If high-church doctrines, however, met with opposition at Oxford, they were relished elsewhere, and Laud obtained rapid advancement.

ardoursweet is the nectar of the tears shed by love, when that nectar is relished amidst the raptures of mutual ardor!His earliest sermon before the king at Whitehall carried his audience "to heaven, in holy raptures.


gusto, zest, enthusiasm, enjoyment, zestfulness,


unlike, disapprove, sit, stand, abstain,

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