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religious Meaning in Tamil ( religious வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


சமய ஈடுபாடுடைய,

religious தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

ஆப்கானித்தான் அமைப்புகள் மத அண்டவியல் (religious cosmology) என்பது சமய ஈடுபாடுடைய சித்தாந்தத்தின் படி அண்டத்தின் தோற்றத்தைக் குறித்தும், அதன் வரலாறு குறித்தும், அண்டத்தின் பரிணாம வளர்ச்சி பற்றியும் கூறும் இயல் ஆகும்.

religious's Usage Examples:

Its importance lies mainly in its simple, popular summarization of the doctrine of Augustine(whose works Gregory had studied with infinite care, but not always with insight), and in its detailed exposition of various religious conceptions which were current in the Western Church, but had not hitherto been defined with precision (e.

From a very early stage in the development of chivalry, however, we meet with the singular institution of brotherhood in arms; and from it the ultimate origin if not of the religious fraternities at any rate of the military companionships is usually derived.

Moreover, in the universal unrest and oversetting of all authority, Christianity itself was in danger of perishing, not only as the result of the cultured paganism of the Renaissance, but also through the brutish ignorance of the common folk, deprived now of their traditional religious restraints.

Besides the ritual and religious rolls, there are the hieratic, civil and literary documents, and the demotic and enchorial papyri, relating generally to sales of property.

An irade of the sultan Abdul Hamid had in 1906 recognized the existence of the Kutzo-Vlachs as a religious body (millet), forming an integral part of the Rumanian Church.

Brought up in the bigoted and chilling atmosphere of the Piedmontese court, he received a rigid military and religious training, but little intellectual education.

They are eagerly drunk by the pilgrims, or when poured over the body are held to give a miraculous refreshment after the fatigues of religious exercise; and the manufacture of bottles or jars for carrying the water to distant countries is quite a trade.

One religious entity espoused the idea that God had sent the tsunami to punish the unrighteous - absolute rubbish !For Christ died for sins, once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous, to bring you to God.

As to church matters, the most prolific group is formed by general precepts based on religious and moral considerations, roughly 115, while secular privileges conferred on the Church hold about 62, and questions of organization some 20 clauses.

Large families, it is thought, exist only among religious weirdos or the teeming hovels of the Third World.

But the relations between a community of freebooters, mostly composed of fugitive serfs and refugees, and a government of small squires who regarded the Cossacks as a mere rabble were bound to be difficult at the best of times, and political and religious differences presently supervened.


spiritual, sacred,


follower, low, profane,

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