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reinter Meaning in Tamil ( reinter வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



reinter தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த வினையில் தன்னெதிர்ப்பி (நோய் எதிரணு உற்பத்தி ஊக்கி) இருப்பதாக நிரூபிக்கப்படவில்லை, மேலும், இது ரெய்ட்டரின் சிண்ட்ரோமுடன் தொடர்புடையதாக இருப்பதில்லை (வினைமிகு வாதம்).

reinter's Usage Examples:

Yet it is noteworthy that the traditions are usually reshaped, readjusted or reinterpreted, and are not replaced by entirely new ones.

Bruce's heart rests in Melrose, but his bones lie in Dunfermline Abbey, where (after the discovery of the skeleton in 1818) they were reinterred with fitting pomp below the pulpit of the New church.

His remains were removed and reinterred with due solemnity, on the 13th October 1853 " Sources: The Mail and Empire.

body was identified before burial at Al Kasr, reinterred at Ceuta, and thence (1582) removed by Philip II.

Their writers were students of ancient prophecy and apocalyptical tradition, and, though they might recast and reinterpret them, they could not regard them as their own inventions.

If we reinterpret the history of the family and its descent into Egypt, and belittle its increase into a nation, and if we figure to ourselves a more gradual occupation of Palestine, we destroy the entire continuity of history as it was understood by those who compiled the biblical history, and we have no evidence for any confident reconstruction.

reinterpret the past for a new generation.

The prophets had to reinterpret the events as they unfolded before them.

reinterpret the Sabbath laws.

The prevailing climate is clearly a keen interest in the 60s and/or the reinterpretation of 60s pop made in the 80s.

He holds - on grounds of fact and science - to the mechanical orderliness of nature, but claims that the Weltanschauung thus suggested may be reinterpreted in view of those undying human aspirations which MacTaggart dismisses to instant execution (unless they can dress themselves in syllogism).

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