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reif Meaning in Tamil ( reif வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


reif தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

டில்லே ' ஹென்றி ட்ரெய்ஃப்யூஸ் அசோசியேட்ஸ் (1993, 2002), த மெசர் ஆஃப் மேன் 'amp; உமேன்: ஹ்யூமன் ஃபேக்டர்ஸ் இன் டிசைன் , இது ஒரு மனிதக் காரணிகள் வடிவமைப்பு கையேடு.

reif's Usage Examples:

Baechtold, Goethes Geitz von Berlichingen in dreifacher Gestalt (1882); J.

"From 1437 till 1443 it had its seat at Greifswald in consequence of commotions at Rostock; and in 1760 it was again removed, on this occasion to Butzow.

reify disadvantage of this approach is that reified structures are created which do not structure things in any natural way for human consumption.

M ` Taggart, who closes his acute Studies in Hegelian Cosmology (rigor) with " the possibility of finding, above all knowledge and volition, one all-embracing unity, which is only not true, only not good, because all truth and all goodness are but distorted shadows of its absolute perfection- ` das Unbegreifliche, weil es der Begriff selbst ist.

Greifswald is, however, best known to fame by reason of its university.

It supposed a kind of communication on music as a reified object, which opposed music making and listening as communication between partners.

, Greifswald, 1859), and that edited by Comparetti, which deals with the Stoics ("Papiro ercolanese inedito," in Rivista di fil.

Ziegler, Geschichte der Stadt Greifswald (Greifswald, 1897).

reifythis stage of modernity, we only seem to be able to work together successfully through the mediation of reified social relations.

reify I would be reluctant to declare the concept of ' intention ' redundant in case we thereby reified texts.

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