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regulation Meaning in Tamil ( regulation வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



regulation's Usage Examples:

The companies enforced their regulations on their members by force.

The service is governed by the international telegraph regulations, but is subject to local inspection and interruption in times of political disorder.

Of the above three headings, it was decided that all national roads should be maintained at the national expense, the regulations for their up-keep being entrusted to the care of the prefectures along the line of route, and the cost incurred being paid from the Imperial treasury.

The regulation of the new Yugoslav frontier with Austria proved very thorny.

The new regulations require the amount of the notes to be expressed in yen, not to be payable in old nickel coins or cash.

A local Chamber of Commerce can provide advice on specific regulations of using a carnet abroad.

Blindness may develop, and the temperature may spike (rise rapidly) and fall unpredictably as the brain structures responsible for temperature regulation are affected.

In 1889, after Nasru d-Din Shahs return from his third visit to Europe, the council of state was instructed to compile a code of law for the regulation of justice.

The French law for the regulation of slavery in the plantations, known as the Code Noir (framed under Louis XIV.

To this act Great Britain replied by various penal regulations and reconstructive acts of government.

Additionally, nearly every country has regulations for vaccinating your pet against the rabies virus.

In the utilitarianism of Paley and Bentham the proper rules of conduct, moral and legal, are determined by comparing the imaginary consequences of different modes of regulation on men and women, conceived as specimens of a substantially uniform and unchanging type.


game law, speed limit, ordinance, prescript, assize, age limit, rule,


middle, early, late, punctuality, increase,

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