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regnal Meaning in Tamil ( regnal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


மூத்திரக் காய்கள் சார்ந்த,

regnal தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


regnal's Usage Examples:

53], Eusebius probably under Claudius 11, that is, between September 51 and September 52 (for the meaning of the regnal years in the Chronicle of Eusebius see the present writer's article in Journal of Theological Studies, January 1900, pp.

if the regnal years of the kings of Israel from Jeroboam toJehoram be added together, they will be found to amount to 98, while if those of the kings of Judah for the same period (viz.

The compiler of this work, however, seems to have used a regnal list of the Bernician kings, which differed considerably from most of those found in our early authorities.

(e) The Civil Year (consuls, or regnal years of Tiberius) in early Christian tradition.

From the Middle Kingdom onward to the Roman period, the dates upon Egyptian documents are given in regnal years.

regnal years might begin (1) on the anniversary of the kings accession, or (2) on the calendrical beginning in each year (normally on the first day of the nominal First month of inundation, i.

'The compiler of this work, however, seems to have used a regnal list of the Bernician kings, which differed considerably from most of those found in our early authorities.

774) that the papal chancery ceased to date by the regnal years of the Eastern emperor and substituted that of the pontificate.

The question arises from what point these regnal dates were calculated.

In process of time, however, the custom of dating by the regnal year of the king became general.

As to absolute chronology, the assigning of a regnal year to a definite date B.

But when we proceed to add up similarly the regnal years in the two kingdoms from the division after Solomon's death to the fall of Samaria in the sixth year of Hezekiah (2 Kings xviii.

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