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regent Meaning in Tamil ( regent வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பதிலுக்கு ஆள்பவர், பிரதிநிதி,

regent தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இராணி கவுரி லட்சுமி பாய் இறந்த பின், 1815 ஆம் ஆண்டு முதல் 1829 ஆம் ஆண்டு வரை அரசனின் இளவயது காரணமாக நாட்டினைப் பதிலுக்கு ஆள்பவர் என்ற முறையில் இராணி கவுரி பார்வதி பாய் ஆட்சி செய்தார்.

regent's Usage Examples:

These states, which met at the Hague in the same building as the States-General, consisted of representatives of the burgher oligarchies (regents) of the principal towns, together with representatives of the nobles, who possessed one vote only.

The cardinal was, by order of the regent, committed to the custody of Lord Seaton; but his imprisonment was merely nominal, and he was soon again at liberty and at the head of the party opposed to the English alliance.

His mishap was soon known to England, but the regents were for some weeks uncertain of his whereabouts.

After wavering between various plans, he decided on the 13th of July to cast himself on the generosity of the British government, and dictated a letter to the prince regent in which he compared himself to Themistocles seating himself at the hearth of his enemy.

The first outcome of the new connexion was his appointment to the abbacy of Aberbrothock by the queen regent, before her marriage, probably in June 1514.

The state had grown up around a sanctuary, the god of which was nominally its ruler, the human patesi being his viceregent.

The task of reorganization was confided by the queen-regent to Seor Silvela, who had been universally recognized as the leader of the Conservatives and Catholics after the death of Canovas del Castillo.

Sagasta kept quiet until nearly the end of the struggle with the colonies, when the queen-regent had to dismiss the Conservative party, much shorn of its prestige by the failure of its efforts to pacify the colonies, and by the assassination of its chief, Canovas delCastillo.

"The regent handed her over for punishment as a sorceress to the French clergy of his own party.

On the death of the regent Orleans in 1723 Fleury, although already seventy years of age, deferred his own supremacy by suggesting the appointment of Louis Henri, duke of Bourbon, as first minister.

Thesiger ashore to the crown prince of Denmark (then regent of the kingdom), to say that unless he was allowed to take possession of the hulks which had surrendered he would be compelled to burn them, a course which he deprecated on the ground of humanity and his tenderness of "the brothers of the English the Danes.

After his victory the regent Antipater punished Athens by the loss of her remaining dependencies, the proscription of her chief patriots, and the disfranchisement of 12,000 citizens.


governing board, committee member, trustee,


uneffective, subhuman, uninfluential, weak,

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