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regal Meaning in Tamil ( regal வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



regal தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

அடியாரை அமுது செய்வித்தலிலுள்ள பேரார்வத்தால் செய்வதறியாது அரசர்க்குரிய நெற்பண்டாரத்திலே நள்ளிரவிற் புகுந்து நெல்லைக் களவு செய்தார்.

எஆட்டின் சட்டத்துறை, நிருவாக, நீதித்துறை அலுவலகங்கள் மற்றும் துணை அரசர்க்குரிய அலுவலகம் ஆகியவை கிங்சுடனிலேயே அமைந்துள்ளன.

regal's Usage Examples:

The view of Professor Dillmann, who placed P before D in the regal period (though he admitted exilic and postexilic additions in Exod.

There were, in fact, two sets of regalia, the one used for the coronations and kept at Westminster, FIG.

, when called upon to renounce all his regalian rights, fell mortally wounded in an attempt to drive the autonomists by force from the Capitol (1145).

Those holding their charters from a feudal superior and not from the crown were called burghs of regality, their magistrates and council being usually appointed by the overlord or his representative.

Feudalism was abolished in 1836, and in 1848 complete political union with Piedmont was granted, the viceregal government being suppressed, and the island being divided into three divisions of which Cagliari, Sassari and Nuoro were the capitals.

regale the guests with gruesome tales of his trade.

The question of the right of regale (right of the Crown to the revenues of vacant abbeys and bishoprics), which touched the essential rights of sovereignty, further inflamed the hostility between Innocent XI.

He came to supersede self-government by consuls, to deprive the cities of the privilege of making war on their own account and to extort his regalian rights of forage, food and lodging for his armies.

Among these deities all kinds of relationships are displayed; consorts must be provided for the unwedded, and the family conception, as distinct from the regal, presents a divine father, mother and child.

"The almost absolute power formerly wielded by the landlords, who within their own territories were lords of regality, hindered independent agricultural enterprise, and it was not till after the abolition of hereditable jurisdictions in 1748 that agriculture made real progress.


purple, imperial, royal, majestic, noble,


female aristocrat, noblewoman, ignoble, dishonorable, lowborn,

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