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refracting Meaning in Tamil ( refracting வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கதிர்க் கோட்டம் உண்டாக்கு,

refracting's Usage Examples:

6° the mass becomes doubly refracting, and from a solution rhombohedral (optically uniaxial) crystals are deposited; by further cooling acicular rhombic crystals are produced at 82.

great refracting telescope, presented by the emperor Alexander I.

He argued that the different humours of the human eye so refract rays of light as to produce an image on the retina which is free from colour, and he reasonably argued that it might be possible to produce a like result by combining lenses composed of different refracting media.

On the other hand, that the direction of complete polarization should be independent of the refracting power of the matter composing the cloud has been considered mysterious.

refracting the light waves above the hot tarmac.

In Germany and elsewhere refracting theodolites and transit instruments are sometimes employed.

102), and each has a refracting angle of 63° 29'.

Malus that the interposition of a doubly refracting plate between a polarizer and an analyser regulated for extinction has the effect of partially restoring the light, and he used this property to discover double refraction in cases in which the separation of the two refracted streams was too slight to be directly detected.

The substance is usually optically isotropic, though sometimes it exhibits anomalous double refraction; fibrous zinc sulphide which is doubly refracting is to be referred to the hexagonal FIG.


determine, ascertain, find out, find,


indispose, deregulate, disorient, stay, lose,

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