<< rebel rebeller >>

rebelled Meaning in Tamil ( rebelled வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கலக காரன், கலக காரி,

rebelled's Usage Examples:

At the same time the burghers of Graaff Reinet also rebelled against the Cape authorities, who were powerless to suppress the insurrectionary movement.

And yet, like an unruly child, she had rebelled, causing him endless worry and stress.

Having collected allies Henry rebelled, and in.

It rebelled, but was retaken and pillaged in 1472.

The Sarbadarids (so called from their motto Sar-ba-dar, Head to the Gibbet), descendants of Abd al-Razzak, who rebelled in Khorasan about 1337, enjoyed some measure of independence under twelve rulers till they also were destroyed by Timur (c.

Last year ethnic minority officers rebelled against the Met, urging a boycott of recruitment campaigns.

1581-1606Nanak, like Buddha, revolted against a religion overladen with ceremonial and social restrictions, and both rebelled against the tyranny of the priesthood.

During the Hellenistic age Megalopolis stood staunchly by Macedonia; the rest of Arcadia rebelled against Antipater (330, 323) and Antigonus Gonatas (266).

His generals rebelled against him in almost every province of the empire, and this period of Roman history came to be called the reign of the Thirty Tyrants.

In 1670 Razin, while ostensibly on his way to report himself at the Cossack headquarters on the Don, openly rebelled against the government, captured Cherkask, Tsaritsyn and other places, and on the 24th of June burst into Astrakhan itself.

Franklin early rebelled against New England Puritanism and spent his Sundays in reading and in study instead of attending church.

Phraortes), a Mede, rebelled in Media and spoke to the people thus: I am Khshathrita, of the family of Uvakhshatra (Cyaxares).


Confederate soldier, greyback, Johnny, Johnny Reb, Reb,


wane, decrease, descent, descend, fall,

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