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rapids Meaning in Tamil ( rapids வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


rapids's Usage Examples:

This portion is obstructed by rapids.

Barred by reefs, and full of rapids and impetuous currents, it cannot become a commercial avenue.

But just before reaching the Uaupes there is a long series of reefs, over which it violently flows in cataracts, rapids and whirlpools.

In this section of the river there occurs a continuous series of slight falls and rapids, including all the historical "six cataracts," beginning below Khartum and terminating at Philae.

North of the Sao Francisco the watershed projecting from the plateau eastward toward Cape St Roque, known as the Serra da Borborema in Parahyba and Rio Grande do Norte where its direction becomes north-east, leaves a triangular section of the easterly slope in which the river courses are short and much broken by rapids.

The general slope is toward the Amazon, and its rivers debouch upon the Amazonian plain through a succession of falls and rapids.

There are many rapids, caused by reefs of rock running across the bed, or by a sudden fall of from one to several feet, which produce very rough water below the swift glide; but the most dangerous places for navigation are where a point juts out into the stream, and the current, thrown back, causes a violent double backwater.

These are designed for those tough rapids, thrill rides, and the need for easy maneuverability.

As waterways all the rivers labour under the drawbacks of rapids, mud-banks at their mouths, banks overgrown with forest, sparse population, and currents liable to serious variations due to irregularity of supply from the mountains and sudden rainfalls.

Shipton claimed Jerry fell in the water while they were shooting rapids and Shipton himself nearly drowned trying to save him.

The application of electricity to purposes of manufacture and transportation made the waterfalls and rapids in which the country abounds the source of an almost unlimited supply of energy capable of easy distribution for industrial purposes over wide areas.

We might sputter under the water now and then, but if we stick together we can help each other through the rapids.




gradual, slow,

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