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ranula Meaning in Tamil ( ranula வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ranula's Usage Examples:

Steelyards are largely used in machines for the automatic weighing out of granular substances.

In other slugs, namely, Limax and Anion, the shell-sac remains permanently closed over the shell-plate, which in the latter genus consists of a granular mass of carbonate of lime.

It certainly supports his view to discover, on subjecting to a careful investigation Botrydium granulatum, a siphonaceous alga whose varied forms had been described by J.

Acute inflammation of various types, suppuration, granulation-tissue formation, 'c.

If the tin is pure it splits into a mass of granular strings.

At each pole of this spindle figure there often occur fibres radiating in all directions into the cytoplasm, and sometimes a minute granular body, the centrosome, is also found there.

sists of a semifluid granular substance, called the cytoplasm, one or more nuclei, and sometimes centrosomes and plastids.

granulation of a wound.

The current from the battery used passed from the diaphragm through the granulated carbon to the metallic back of the box.

Unfortunately, however, within ten days, soft yellow slough was once again accumulating in the previously granulating wound.

A 2007 study (Sakazaki et al 503) found that the application of ozonized olive oil accelerated the healing process by increasing the production of granulation tissue.

This prevents granulation and kills wax moth larvae and eggs should any be present.

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