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ramify Meaning in Tamil ( ramify வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கிளைகள் போன்று பகுதிகளாகப்பிரி,

ramify's Usage Examples:

From the northern end it is connected (I) with the polar sea northward by Smith Sound, prolonged by Kane Basin and Kennedy and Robeson Channels; (2) with the straits which ramify through the archipelago to the north-west by narrow channels at the head of Jones Sound, from which O.

2, i) ramify around the lobules.

In the section Asiphonacea the colonies are upright and branched, springing from membranous or ramifying stolons.

Spores carried in the air land on dead or dying trees and produce hyphae which ramify through the wood.

The teaching in these three propositions is virtually inexhaustible because their numberless aspects ramify into all departments of being at all levels.

In Hirudo and the Gnathobdellidae there is only one system of cavities which consist of four principal longitudinal trunks, of which the two lateral are contractile, which communicate with a network ramifying everywhere, even among the cells of the epidermis.

Almost without exception, they had their origin in small burial areas, the property of private persons or of families, gradually ramifying and receiving additions of one subterranean storey after another as each was required for interments.

To the base of the stem are attached a number of branched cell-threads (rhizoids) which ramify in the soil, fixing the plant and absorbing water from soil.

The external duct of this gland is often dilated into a bladder, and may sometimes send out diverticula, forming a complex system of sinuses ramifying through the body.

Numerous lateral ramifying branches spread out from the main trunk in a horizontal direction, tier upon tier, covering a compass of ground the diameter of which is often greater than the height of the tree.

The coenosarc may consist of a single elongated tube or stolon, forming the stem or axis of the cormus on which, usually, the appendages are arranged in groups termed cormidia; or it may take the form of a compact mass of ramifying, anastomosing tubes, in which case the cormus as a whole has a compact form and cormidia are not distinguishable.

Russia witness the formation of numerous miniature canons, or ovraghi (deep ravines), the summits of which rapidly advance and ramify in the loose surface deposits.


branch, trifurcate, fork, diverge, arborise, arborize, furcate, bifurcate, twig, separate,


associate, attach, join, connect, converge,

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