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ramenta Meaning in Tamil ( ramenta வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


ramenta's Usage Examples:

It has been argued that the sacramental rites of the Christians were largely imitated from the pagan mysteries; but for the first two hundred years this is hardly true, except perhaps in the case of certain Gnostic sects whose leaders intentionally amalgamated the new faith with old pagan ideas and rites.

119) the following definition is given of sacramentalia: " Sacramentals are certain things or actions instituted or consecrated by the Church for the production of certain spiritual effects, and sometimes for the obtaining of a temporal effect.

salvific act?salvific significance, of history is also sacramental.

The practice of confession in the Church of England practically dates from his two sermons on The Entire Absolution of the Penitent, in 1846, in which the revival of high sacramental doctrine is complemented by the advocacy of a revival of the penitential system which medieval theologians had appended to it.

The symbol of the Bacchic orgies was a consecrated serpent, and the snakes kept in the sacred cistae of the cult of Dionysus find a parallel among the sect of the Ophites where, at the sacramental rites, bread was offered to the living serpent and afterwards distributed among the worshippers.

In his later years Luther became more tolerant on the sacramental question which divided him from the South German cities, although he never departed from his strong opposition to the supposed views of Zwingli himself.

Hence the rule not to eat meats strangled, except in sacramental meals when the god inherent in the animal was partaken of.

Did any of these theologies do justice to the great master thought of grace given to faith?Resolutely Protestant in early days and even Calvinistic, it yielded to the suggestions of its episcopal constitution' and sacramental liturgies; and now its theologies range from Calvinism at one extreme to outspoken hatred of Protestantism at the other.

All I know is that he's temperamental, and you'd better stay away from him.

Being up to my neck in cold water whilst trying to get readings from a temperamental compass and clinometer sounded deeply unpleasant.

Temperamental sex differences can explain a pattern that is otherwise puzzling.

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