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rabis Meaning in Tamil ( rabis வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


நாய் வெறி நோய்,

rabis தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


rabis's Usage Examples:

strabismus surgery done to straighten my eye 4 years ago.

He wanted to learn more about the vertical adjustments that need to be made in many strabismus cases.

In the front row patches of the white arabis, the yellow alyssum, white, yellow, blue, or purple violas, and the purple aubrietia, recurring at intervals of 5 or 6 yards on a border of considerable length, carry the eye forwards and give a balanced kind of finish to the whole.

Weymann, Die dthiopische and arabische Ubersetzungen des Pseudo-Kallisthenes (Kirchhain, 1901).

Examination of fixation using vertical prisms is useful in diagnosing amblyopia in the absence of strabismus.

Barring the presence of strabismus or ptosis, children may or may not show signs of amblyopia.

, London, 1905); Spitta Bey, Grammatik des arabischen Vulgardialektes von Agypten, Conies arabes modernes (Leiden, 1883).

Muller, Die Gesetze Hammurabis (Vienna, 1903); J.

Nielsen, Der siedarabische Gott Ilmekah (1909); 0.

Eleven patients ultimately required strabismus surgery of whom 8 had manifest strabismus before decompression.

either amongst those Jews who looked to the coming of a Messiah or, Such a view on the part of men who knew Arabic infinitely better than the most accomplished European Arabist will ever do, may well startle us.

In the slighter forms no inconvenience may result; but in higher degrees prolonged work is apt to give rise to aching and watering of the eyes, headache, inability to read or sew for any length of time, and even to double vision and internal strabismus.

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