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queasy Meaning in Tamil ( queasy வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


குமட்டல் உண்டாக்குகிற,

queasy's Usage Examples:

A queasy feeling began in her stomach.

Some pregnant women feel a bit queasy, while others experience vomiting.

The idea of possibly running into people whose alliances she couldn't predict made her queasy.

This makes me slightly queasy for a couple of reasons.

Swords: Life on the Line isn't for queasy viewers.

DC felt quite queasy on the second trip in the rougher offshore waters.

Shortly into the ceremony, I started to feel queasy; I saw black spots and the world began to twirl around my head.

If public speaking makes you queasy, practice reading in front of supportive friends or family members.

For example, if you always eat pepperoni pizza before your cardio workouts, and you always end up feeling a bit queasy, it might be time to try a different pre-workout meal.

It may have been a hit, but those shaky shots left many in the audience queasy.

Splendid kids' clothing is ideal for play, though many mothers purchasing Splendid items as a luxury splurge may feel queasy at the thought of such soft fabrics being exposed to playgrounds.


troubled, unquiet, nervous, anxious, uneasy,


harmless, healthful, innocuous, healthy, untroubled,

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