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quarantine Meaning in Tamil ( quarantine வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



quarantine's Usage Examples:

Infected children were removed to hospitals and the rest of the family was quarantined until they became noninfectious.

Can I ask the ISC Inquiry Desk staff to release quarantined messages for me?The Soviet Union quarantined itself and many of its often unwitting captives and clients from the rigors of international capitalism.

Except Great Britain and Germany, they all retain quarantine in a more or less stringent form at seaports.

The principle of this act in regard to foreign animals was that of free importation, with power for the Privy Council to prohibit or subject to quarantine and slaughter, as circumstances seemed to require.

Automatically attempts to heal/remove infected files and other threats such as Trojans, worms, and java applets placing these quarantined files in an AVG Virus Vault.

Two weeks into the quarantine a red lory from this group died without symptoms.

To the placing in quarantine of the vessel which took him to Egypt is due the origin of his great conception of a canal across the isthmus of Suez.

After six months' stay in Algiers he once again, on the 21st of June 1809, set sail for Marseilles, where he had to undergo a monotonous and inhospitable quarantine in the lazaretto, before his difficulties were over.

Messina had been free from plague since 1624, and the Sicilians prided themselves on the rigour of the quarantine laws which were thought to have preserved them.

You can also create your own spam blacklists, add known safe senders to custom whitelists and release messages mistakenly held in quarantine.

After destroying, it is said, 300,000 persons, and without being checked by any quarantine regulations, the plague died out finally in March 1771, being remarkable for its short duration and spontaneous limitation (Haser).

When he was four-and-twenty he determined to seek his fortunes abroad, and made his way to Turkey, where, after practising medicine on his own account for a short time, he was appointed (in 1865) quarantine medical officer at Antivari.


isolation, closing off,


involvement, engagement, union,

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