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quaestors Meaning in Tamil ( quaestors வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


quaestors தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இந்த நகரம் "குவாட்டர்ஸ்" என அழைக்கப்படும் பின்வரும் வட்டாரங்களாகப் (districts) பிரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது:.

quaestors's Usage Examples:

89, when he was nominated by Domitian as one of the twenty quaestors.

Originally the quaestors seem to have been nominated by the consuls, but later, perhaps from the fall of the decemvirs (449 B.

1 The number of the quaestors was originally two, but this was successively increased to four (in 421 B.

In addition to parricide or murder we can hardly doubt that all other crimes fell within the jurisdiction of the quaestors; political crimes only seem to have been excepted.

The origin of the quaestorship is obscure, but it was probably instituted simultaneously with the consulship in 509 B.

The quaestors held office for one year, but, like the consuls and praetors, they were often continued in office with the title of proquaestor.

A peculiar burden laid on the quaestors, not as an official duty, but rather as a sort of fee exacted from all who entered on the political career, was the paving of the high roads, for which Claudius substitiited the exhibition of gladiatorial games.

Before the election of the quaestors the senate decided the duties to be undertaken by them, and after election these duties were distributed amongst the new quaestors either by lot or by the choice of the higher magistrates to whom quaestors were assigned.

44 restored the quaestors, but nominated by the emperor for three years, for whom Nero in 56 substituted two ex-praetors, under the same conditions.

In the code of the Twelve Tables they are designated quaestores parricidii, " inquisitors of parricide or murder"; 2 and perhaps originally this was their full title, which was afterwards abbreviated into quaestors when their functions as criminal judges fell into the background.

These public treasures were deposited in the temple of Saturn, on the eastern slope of the Capitoline hill, and, during the republic, were in charge of the urban quaestors (see Quaestor), under the superintendence and control of the senate.

) of four new quaestors, who appear to have been called quaestores classici because they were originally intended to superintend the building of the fleet (classes); their functions, however, are very imperfectly known.


official, functionary,


unauthorized, unofficial, unestablished,

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