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quad Meaning in Tamil ( quad வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


கல்லூரியில் உள்ள நாற்கட்ட முற்றம்,

quad's Usage Examples:

on the 23rd of June an unexpected sortie of the Russian Port Arthur squadron paralysed the Japanese land offensive.

He also compiled astronomical tables and a treatise on the quadrant.

The table gives the logarithms of sines for every minute of seven figures; it is arranged semi-quadrantally, so that the differentiae, which are the differences of the two logarithms in the same line, are the logarithms of the tangents.

, B uryKngs brld / (Sou oarl?Soubise had begun the revolt (January 1625) by seizing Port Blavet in Brittany, with the royal squadron that lay there, and in command of the ships thus acquired, combined with those of La Rochelle, he ranged the western coast, intercepting commerce.

He was court-martialled on his return, but was acquitted on all charges except that of illegally punishing men in his squadron.

It may be obtained crystallized in the quadratic system by melting in a sealed tube containing hydrogen, allowed to cool partially, and then pouring off the still liquid portion by inverting the tube.

It is nowhere abundant, but is found over the northern parts of Europe and Asia, and is a quiet, inoffensive animal, nocturnal and solitary in its habits, sleeping by day in its burrow, and issuing forth at night to feed on roots, beech-mast, fruits, the eggs of birds, small quadrupeds, frogs and insects.

a x 4 (ar) 4s: 6 (ar) 2 (as) 2rxsy -I- (as) 4rx; 4) is any one of the conjugate quadratic factors of t, so that, in determining rx, sx from J z+k 1 f o, k 1 is any root of the resolvent.

of Wrotham is the village of Ightham, in which is a fine quadrangular moated manor-house, the Mote, in part of the 14th century, but with portions of Tudor dates.

The last premolar and the molars have quadrate crowns, provided with two strong transverse ridges, or with four obtuse cusps.

favor of peace, The Italian jron-clad fleet comnded by the incapable Persano, afier wasting much time at ranto and Ancona, made an unsuccessful, attack on the lmatian island of Lissa on the 18th of July1 an4 pn the 20th s completely defeated by the Austrian squadron, consisting wooden ships, but commanded by the capable Admiral ~ethoff.


extensor muscle, musculus quadriceps femoris, thigh, quadriceps, quadriceps femoris, extensor,



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