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pursuit Meaning in Tamil ( pursuit வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



pursuit தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


pursuit's Usage Examples:

In 1769 he gave up business pursuits and accepted the rectorship of Perth academy.

The Yorkist army that marched in pursuit of the raiders, and won the ~ bloody field of Towton under Warwicks guidance, gave no quarter.

He was marked by the modesty of true genius, and his life was given to the single-minded pursuit of truth.

The rites included the " pursuit," possibly derived from the intentional opportunity of escape allowed the victim.

It was in pursuit of one of these intrigues that he abdicated in 1724 in favour of his son Louis.

From this time, with the exception of occasional public appearances, he gave himself up to elegant luxury, with which he combined a sort of dilettante pursuit of philosophy, literature and art.

Can you call Katie while I make flight arrangements?Owing to the rapidity of the French flight and the Russian pursuit and the consequent exhaustion of the horses, the chief means of approximately ascertaining the enemy's position--by cavalry scouting-- was not available.

A lesson in geometry, given by Ostilio Ricci to the pages of the grand-ducal court, chanced, tradition avers, to have Galileo for an unseen listener; his attention was riveted, his dormant genius was roused, and he threw all his energies into the new pursuit thus unexpectedly presented to him.

In 1738 he was made a knight of the Thistle, and for several years lived in retirement in Bute, engaged in agricultural and botanical pursuits.

It enjoyed a great reputation for letters and the arts (Cicero pro Archia, 3); but the only names of distinction in these pursuits during the Seleucid period, that have come down to us, are Apollophanes, the Stoic, and one Phoebus, a writer on dreams.

frittered away in the pursuit of wealth.

sacrificed at the altar of Capote's ruthless pursuit of adulation.


movement, stalk, shadowing, tracking, stalking, pursual, tailing, following, chase, motion, trailing, move,


linger, ride, ascend, recede, rise,

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