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purge Meaning in Tamil ( purge வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


purge தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

பிணத்தைத் துப்புரவாக்கல், முன்னிலைப்படுத்துதல், பேணிக்காத்தல் அல்லது மீளமைத்தல் ஆகிய மூன்று செயல்களை இலக்காகக் கொண்டு பிணச்சீரமைப்பு மேற்கொள்ளப்படுகிறது.

purge's Usage Examples:

Mountain Spurge (Pachysandra) - P.

Among plants remarkable in their appearance and structure may be noted the cactus-like Euphorbiae or spurge plants, the Stapelia or carrion flower, and the elephant's foot or Hottentots' bread, a plant of the same order as the yam.

They are deposited in a temple, in charge of a small sacred college; new deities and rites are introduced under their sanction; when they are accidentally destroyed, envoys are sent to the East and fresh collections are made; these are in their turn purged, the false are discarded and the true reverently preserved.

The oil will purge when rubbed into the skin or injected per rectum.

But for all practical purposes the system of claying sugar is a thing of the past, and the bulk of the sugar of commerce is now purged in centrifugals, as indeed it has been for many years.

hart's-tongue Phyllitis scolopendrium and spurge laurel Daphne laureola.

2 The prevalence of wrongdoing has provoked scepticism as to righteous judgment; but the messenger of Yahweh is at hand to purge away indifferentism from worship and immorality from conduct (ii.

Robert Key at Saham Tony in 1832 won over a young woman who converted her brother, Robert Eaglen, who, eighteen years later at Colchester, proved so decisive a factor in the life of Charles Haddon Spurgeon.

Look out for plants like sea holly, sea campion, sea spurge and grasses such as marram and sand couch grass.

in a water or steam bath, and then added more sugar or a thinner magma, and the whole being then in a state of imperfect fluidity, but so as to close readily behind the stirrer, was filled into moulds and purged " (drained).

From an active instrument of the religious society, the archiepiscopate degenerated into a purely formal power; while the episcopate itself, which the sincere reformers wished to liberate and purge in order to strengthen it, emerged from the crisis sensibly weakened as well as ameliorated.

The entire East Coast had to be purged and redeveloped.

through Condillac, the inconsistencies were purged out, and materialism was ready for the next comer to affirm - though it may be said with R.


persecute, oppress,


depersonalize, discharge, rehabilitate,

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