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punning Meaning in Tamil ( punning வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


punning's Usage Examples:

punning headlines are written by journalists for journalists, a form of schoolboy showing off.

The punning etymology betrays the evident desire of the priests ° to see in Marduk's consort a form or manifestation of the great mother-goddess Ishtar, just as in Assyria Ishtar frequently appears as the consort of the chief god of Assyria, known as Assur (q.

It is characteristic that, while Paris had its Bossuets and Bourdaloues, Vienna was listening to Abraham a Sancta Clara, the punning Capuchin whom Schiller, regardless of dates, introduces into the opening scene of his Wallenstein.

It is picturesquely situated on both banks of the Mur,, just where this river enters a broad and fertile valley, and the beauty of its position has given rise to the punning French description, La Ville des graces sur la riviere del' amour.

punning reference to the temple site in Haggai 1:10-11, is to barrenness from dryness and drought.

In early life he was a weaver, hence the punning description of him as Weevir, rex philosophorum.

Otherwise, the reviews make this conflation without acknowledgment, even in the form of punning.

Even in Roman times it kept its own coinage with the punning device of the bent arm holding a palm branch, and the head of Aphrodite on the reverse, and continued the use of the Greek language.

He, the commander-in-chief, a Serene Highness who everybody said possessed powers such as no man had ever had in Russia, to be placed in this position--made the laughingstock of the whole army!The promise of a son to Sarah made Abraham "laugh", a punning allusion to the name Isaac which appears again in other forms.


wordplay, play, fun, pun, paronomasia, sport,


inactivity, seriousness, playful, unplayful, lack,

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