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pumping Meaning in Tamil ( pumping வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


காற்றழுத்த விசைக்குழாய்,



pumping தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

தொடக்கக் கால சீரொளி வடிவங்களில் செனான் மின்கல விளக்குகள் காற்றழுத்த விசைக்குழாய்களாகப் பயன்படுத்தப்பட்டன.

pumping's Usage Examples:

Hydraulic pumping engines, while not differing essentially from steam pumps, must have specially designed valves in the power cylinder on account of the incompressibility of water.

Niall hmm, a ' penetration testing ' firm has worked out a way of pumping smut into every room.

Atrial fibrillation-A type of heart arrhythmia in which the upper chamber of the heart quivers instead of pumping in an organized way.

One of the ways that frozen meal manufacturers remedy the flavor inadequacies of the food is by pumping up the sodium.

A man-engine consists of two heavy wooden rods (like the rods of a Cornish pumping plant), placed parallel and close to each other in a special shaft compartment, and suspended at the surface from a pair of massive walking beams (or " bobs ").

They're the symbols of frivolity and the sultry sex appeal you only find in the hottest clubs in Miami on a sweltering evening, where music's pumping as hard as your heart, and the moonlight's making everyone glow.

"What are you thumping the table for?" she demanded of the hussar, "and why are you exciting yourself?Exercise bikes get your heart thumping and your legs pumping as you work, providing you with a cardiovascular and a strengthening routine.

But sufficient time must be allowed to elapse before pumping out the water, as otherwise the fire may break out again.

She felt deceitful pumping Mrs.

striking the shafts of the Comstock Lode, securing ventilation and cool air for the miners, draining the mines above its level, and obviating much pumping and hoisting.

Standard results about normal forms, pumping lemmas, etc.

If you are nursing or pumping, you may feel 'let down' happening during the nursing or pumping session - it is a tingly sensation.


wield, handle, goose, manage,


disorganise, disorganize, turn in, go to bed, lie down,

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