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puma Meaning in Tamil ( puma வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


பூனை இனத்தைச் சார்ந்த பெரிய விலங்கு,

puma தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:


puma's Usage Examples:

Henry Marten >>Among the animals indigenous to the country are seven species of the cat family, including the puma, the jaguar and the ocelot; the wild dog (Canis Azarae); several representatives of the marten family, including two species of Galictis, two of the otter (Lutra brasiliensis and L.

The bobcat, cheetah and puma also use this vocalization, although in a different manner.

Here are found the lynx, the " mountain lion " or puma, the prairie and timber wolves, the jack rabbit, the prairie dog (gopher), the black, the brown and, occasionally, the grizzly bear.

The Virginia deer is common in the bottomlands; a few beaver still frequent the remoter streams; in the higher portions are still a few black bears and pumas, besides the lynx, the Virginia varying hare, the woodchuck, the red and the fox squirrel and flying squirrels.

Numerous species of monkeys inhabit the forests of the tropical region, together with the puma, jaguar, wildcat, coati, tapir or anta, sloth, ant-bear, paca (Coelogenys paca) and capybara.

Several instances have occurred of pumas becoming tame in captivity.

The fauna originally included buffalo, elk, deer, wolves, bear, lynx, beaver, otter, porcupine and puma, but civilization has driven them all out entirely.

-Among wild animals the tiger or ounce-called in the Guarani language the ja-gud or "big dog"-and the puma are found on the frontier of Brazil and on the wooded islets and banks of the larger rivers.

The chief enemies of the guanaco are the Patagonian Indians and the puma, as it forms the principal food of both.

There are deer, called taruco (Cervus antisensis); the viscacha, a large rodent; a species of fox called atoc; and the puma (Felts concolor) and ucumari or black bear with a white muzzle, when driven by hunger, wander into the loftier regions.

Neither are there any dangerous species of Carnivora, which are represented by the timid puma (Felis concolor), three species of wildcats, three of the fox, two of Conepatus, a weasel, sea-otter and six species of seal.


panther, Felis, painter, mountain lion, cougar, wildcat, Felis concolor, catamount, genus Felis,


sound, nonexploratory, official,

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