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pug Meaning in Tamil ( pug வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)



(கொச்சை வழக்கில்) சண்டை இடுவதைத் தொழிலாகக் கொண்டவர், சண்டைக்காரர்,

pug தமிழ் அர்த்தத்தின் உதாரணம்:

இதனால் காவல்துறையினர் என்றாலே கடுப்புத் துறையினர்; சீறுடையணிந்த சண்டைக்காரர்; கெட்ட வார்த்தைகள் சரளமாக பேசுபவர்; அநாகரிகமான நடை உடை பாவணை உடையவர்; வழக்கு என்ற பேரில் கொடுமை படுத்துபவர்; ஊழலில் உழலுபவர் என்ற எண்ணம் மேலோங்குகின்றது.

pug's Usage Examples:

At the same time he did not impugn the authority of the Church, which he regarded as useful in maintaining external unity.

Alcohol is distilled from nipa, coco-nuts, burs (Corypha umbraculifera), cauong (Caryota onusta), pugahan (Caryota urens) and Indian corn.

He disgraced or imprisoned the ringleaders, ordered Bernadotte (perhaps the fountain head of the whole affair) to take the waters at Plombieres and drove from office Fouche, who had sought to screen the real offenders by impugning the royalists.

Sudanese are very excitable and apt to get out of hand; unlike the fellahs they are not fond of drill, and are slow to acquire it; but their dash, pugnacious instincts and desire to close with an enemy, are valuable military qualities.

It is true that his election was immediately impugned by the cardinals on frivolous grounds; but the responsibility for this rests, partially at least, with the pope himself, whose reckless and inconsiderate zeal for reform was bound to excite a revolution among the worldly cardinals still yearning for the fleshpots of Avignon.

Known as Cassius Clay earlier in his career, this pugilist will forever be known for what he was able to achieve in the ring, as well as in the political arena.

Athens fighting Philip has fared, he says, like an amateur boxer opposed to a skilled pugilist.

The cache-sexe can be traced to the Paleolithic period, where stone carvings of fecund women, such as the Venus of Lespugue, depict panels of string fore and aft.

In his closing years he had some controversy with John Locke, whom he considered to have impugned the doctrine of the Trinity.

It amazes me in the 21st Century how a man of 22 can believe or hold such misguided, repugnant, old-fashioned views.


domestic dog, pug-dog, dog, Canis familiaris,


anonymous, faceless,

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