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publicists Meaning in Tamil ( publicists வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


அரசியல் செய்திகளை எழுதுபவர்,

publicists's Usage Examples:

Rebello da Silva and the voluminous and brilliant publicists, Latino Coelho and Pinheiro Chagas, wrote at second hand and rank higher as stylists than as historians.

"The prompt and full recognition of Maine's genius by continental publicists must not pass unmentioned even in the briefest notice.

Gathered there also were a host of publicists, secretaries and courtiers, and never before had Europe witnessed such a collection of rank and talent.

He grouped around him all the leading writers, publicists and progressive young men of the day; declaimed against prejudices; stimulated the timid; inspired the lukewarm with enthusiasm; and never rested till the constitution of the 3rd of May 1791 had been carried through.

At his side were his accomplices, men ready for anything, whose only hopes were bound up with his fortunes, such as Morny and Rouher; his paid publicists, such as Romieu the originator of the "red spectre"; his cudgel-bearers, the "Ratapoils" immortalized by Daumier, who terrorized the republicans.

But the general view of continental publicists is, that the language of the rules was not sufficiently precise to admit of their being generally accepted as a canon of neutral obligations.

"At his side were his accomplices, men ready for anything, whose only hopes were bound up with his fortunes, such as Morny and Rouher; his paid publicists, such as Romieu the originator of the "red spectre"; his cudgel-bearers, the "Ratapoils" immortalized by Daumier, who terrorized the republicans.

There is no copiousness of literary reference in his work, such as over-abounded in the civil and ecclesiastical publicists of the i 7th century.

It placed the author in the front rank of European publicists, and won him the friendship of some of the most distinguished men of the time, including Burke himself.

The prompt and full recognition of Maine's genius by continental publicists must not pass unmentioned even in the briefest notice.

This feeling was deliberately fostered by publicists and historians, and was intensified by commercial rivalry, since in the struggle for colonial expansion and trade Germans naturally came to look on Great Britain, who held the field, as their rival.

He formed the acquaintance of many of the leading statesmen and publicists, and secured a deep insight into continental systems of government and of jurisprudence.


publiciser, ballyhoo artist, advertiser, press agent, public relations man, publicizer, publicity man, communicator, advertizer, PR man, sensationalist, adman,



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