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pseud Meaning in Tamil ( pseud வார்த்தையின் தமிழ் அர்த்தம்)


pseud's Usage Examples:

The internal tissues, either consisting of obvious hyphae or of pseudoparenchyma, may also serve as a storehouse of plastic food substances.

A theory which flickers through Church history in the train of mystical influence proceeding from the pseudo-Dionysius Areopagita has become more prominent in modern "Necestimes - that Christ would have become Incarnate sity" of even had man not sinned.

In 1341 the dispute came before a synod held at Constantinople and presided over by the emperor Andronicus; the assembly, influenced by the veneration in which the writings of the pseudoDionysius were held in the Eastern Church, overawed Barlaam, who recanted and returned to Calabria, afterwards becoming bishop of Hierace in the Latin communion.

In the intervals of his campaignings and cruelties the sultan would amuse his entourage by exhibiting feats of strength, or compose verses, some of which were published under the pseudonym of Muradi.

In Heliolites porosus the colonies had the form of spheroidal masses; the calices were furnished with twelve pseudosepta, and the coenenchymal tubes were more or less regularly hexagonal.

The generic names of common decongestants include phenylephrine, phenylpropanolamine, pseudoephedrine, and in nasal sprays naphazoline, oxymetazoline, and xylometazoline.

)aav5pa (" man-preserver ") find an illustration in the pseudo-Plautine (in the Mercator) address to Astarte, who is described as the life and death, the saviour and destroyer of men and gods.

265, 1 had it also a written source or sources which we can trace?The earliest probable reference to our Homilies occurs in a work of doubtful date, the pseudoAthanasian Synopsis, which mentions "Clementines, whence came by selection and rewriting the true and inspired form.

On the pseudo- plinth is a simple, two-stranded guilloche.

), and the Prussian constitution of February 1847 was an attempt to realize the ideas put forward by him in his Gesprache aus der Gegenwart fiber Staat and Kirche, published under the pseudonym "Waldheim" in 1846.

Symptoms of nursemaid's elbow include immediate pain in the injured arm, refusal or inability to move the injured arm, creating a condition called pseudo-paralysis, persistent crying, refusal to play, and anxiety.

The only facts in natural history which appear even indirectly to countenance the flotation theory are the presence of a swimming bladder in some fishes, and the existence of membranous expansions or pseudowings in certain animals, such as the flying fish, flying dragon and flying squirrel.

Gaul, Die Abfassungsverhdltnisse der pseudojustinischen Cohortatio ad Graecos (1902); Adolf Harnack, Diodor von Tarsus.


impostor, pseudo, fraud, ringer, trickster, cheater, pretender, shammer, slicker, role player, imposter, deceiver, beguiler, faker, name dropper, fake, cheat, sham,


genuine, square shooter, natural, undercharge,

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